I’ve cut through ocean’s restless tide,
where steel and salt embrace the sky,
And soared beyond where eagles glide,
Into the boundless, blackened high.
Through whispers of the midnight wind,
I’ve sailed on wings both tried and true,
In silent arcs where stars rescind,
Their light to those who fade from view.
Beyond the thunder’s ruthless roar,
I’ve fought through storms with iron will,
Survived the trials, weathered more,
And rose from depths no calm could still.
Yet there, above the twilight’s breath,
Where waves and clouds forever part,
I faced the dark, the void of death,
And felt its coldness pierce my heart.
Now drifting where the heavens weep,
No compass, chart, or beacon’s guide,
I find in shadows’ quiet keep,
The solace sought by those who’ve tried.
This final flight, into the deep,
Where loss and hope together blend,
I leave behind the world’s embrace,
To join the stars, my journey’s end.

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