I walk through shadows of days I can’t rewrite,
Faces of the past etched in dim, distant light.
The world spins faster, the colors all blur,
Yet here I stand, steady, despite how things stir.

I’ve worn a mask, heavy with borrowed pride,
Chasing the ghost of the man I kept inside.
But in these quiet moments, the truth slips by
What good is life if I just live a lie?

I’ve carried weight that I once hid from view,
Lost in the fog of what I thought I knew.
But now I see the fractures in my disguise,
The cracks let the light through, much to my surprise.

So I breathe in deep, let the realness stay,
Embracing each scar that led me this way.
No longer running, I meet my own eyes,
Refusing at last to just live a lie.

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